آخرین محصولات

Flexural strength and compressive strengths of the cement …
The comparative investigations of gypsum cement pozzolana binding materials (GCPB) and anhydrite cement pozzolana binding materials (ACPB) with not burned natural anhydrite were performed ...

Alternative calcium sulfate-bearing materials as cement retarders…
DOI: 10.1016/J.CEMCONRES.2004.03.020 Corpus ID: 135769840; Alternative calcium sulfate-bearing materials as cement retarders: Part I. Anhydrite @article{Tzouvalas2004AlternativeCS, title={Alternative calcium sulfate-bearing materials as cement retarders: Part I. Anhydrite}, author={G. Tzouvalas and N. Dermatas and …

Use of inorganic setting retarders in cement industry
The experimental data conclude that natural anhydrite can be a very efficient retarder of the setting of cement, with no significant change in the physicomechanical properties of the hardened ...

Investigations of anhydrite in CFBC fly ash as cement …
The aim of this paper is to investigate the possible displacement of natural gypsum in cement with anhydrite in CFBC ash in terms of setting time, strength development, …

Use of inorganic setting retarders in cement …
The experimental data conclude that natural anhydrite can be a very efficient retarder of the setting of cement, with no significant …

Utilization of solidified phosphogypsum as Portland cement retarder
The cements with SPG had a similar setting time and strength as cement made with natural gypsum (NG). ... anhydrite and gehlenite, which then took part in the alkali-activation process and ...

Effect of protogenetic anhydrite on the hydration of cement …
With desulfurization technology developing, the content of anhydrite in fly ash and CFBC ash has been an upward trend [7]. In order to use industrial wastes with high content of anhydrite in cement, many researchers try to make cement with no or less added gypsum and use anhydrite in wastes as cement setting retarder instead of …

Investigations of anhydrite in CFBC fly ash as cement retarders
The aim of this paper is to investigate the possible displacement of natural gypsum in cement with anhydrite in CFBC ash in terms of setting time, strength development, volume stability and ...

Effects of sulfates on the hydration of Portland cement – A …
Gypsum (CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) and/or natural anhydrite (CaSO 4) are usually added to clinker in the grinding stage. ... Retarders might also influence the sulfate demand for cement. Although all retarders delay the C 3 S hydration, the effect on C 3 A hydration is different depending on the type of retarder used.

Effect of protogenetic anhydrite on the hydration of cement …
1. Introduction. In the process of cement production a certain amount of gypsum is added in order to adjust setting time of cement, contribute for strength acceleration in early stage and reduce drying shrinkage of hardened cement paste [1], [2], [3].In Portland cement, usually the added gypsum is natural dihydrate gypsum, but …

Alternative Calcium-Sulfate-Bearing Materials as Cement Retarders
The aim of this paper is to investigate the possible displacement of natural gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) in cement with an alternative setting retarder, such as the industrial by-product derived from ...

Modification of phosphogypsum using circulating fluidized …
Taking China's production of 2.377 billion tons of cement in 2020 as an example, and if phosphogypsum modified by CFB fly ash and carbide slag is used as a retarder, around 95.08 million tons of natural gypsum can be saved; in addition, approximately 85.57 million tons of phosphogypsum, 5.7 million tons of carbide slag, …

This article reports on a study of the displacement of natural gypsum (CaSO4-2H2O) in cement with an alternative setting retarder, such as the industrial by-product derived from flue gas desulfurization process called FGD gypsum. ... Portland cement; Retarders (Concrete); Setting (Concrete) Subject Areas: Highways; Materials; I32: Concrete ...

Tartaric acid effects on hydration development and physico-mechanical
1. Introduction. Manufacturing of Portland cement consumes huge amounts of both energy and natural raw materials and is one of the main emitters of CO 2.According to World Cement Association estimations, 2018 global cement production will only slightly increase compared to 2017 (4.2 billion tonnes [1] compared to 4.1 billion tonnes [2]).In …

Modification of waste fluorgypsum and its applications as a cement retarder
The mineral composition of fluorogypsum is similar to that of natural anhydrite, which can replace natural anhydrite under certain conditions and is mainly used as a cement retarder [13, 14], but ...

Technical feasibility for use of FGD gypsum as an additive …
1. Introduction. The cement manufacturing industry is the major consumer of gypsum, which is added to the clinker in a percentage of 3–5 wt% [1], [2], [3].. Various by-product gypsum such as phosphor-, fluoro-, citro-, boro-, titano-, tartare-, and desulphogypsum have chemical composition similar to the natural gypsum, but its use …

Unlocking the potential of ordinary Portland cement …
produce the final cement to control the reaction of C 3A. When the cement is mixed with water, reactive minerals start to dissolve, and strength-building hydrates including ettringite (Ca 6Al 2 ...

Use of inorganic setting retarders in cement industry
The most common cement setting retarder used in industry is natural gypsum, which is primarily a dihydrated product of calcium sulfate (CaSO 4 · 2H 2 O). …

Characterization of a more sustainable cement produced …
RS has been studied as set retarder in Portland cements [7], [16], [17], [18], as anhydrite cement [19], or as calcium sulphoaluminate cements [20]. ... The reference set retarder was natural gypsum (NG) used also in the CEISA S.A. cement factory for the CEM-I, or cement free of admixtures, in accordance with the regulations [30].

Sika ViscoCrete and Retardan
Gypsum and Mortar Additives Product Selection Guide Superplasticizer / High-Range Water Reducer Retarder Sika® ViscoCrete® Retardan® 111 P 120 P 125 P 225 P 425 P G-2 G-4 P 704 D GK L 200 L

Alternative calcium sulfate-bearing materials as cement …
The experimental data conclude that natural anhydrite can be a very efficient retarder of the setting of cement, with no significant change in the physicomechanical properties of the hardened pastes.

Use of inorganic setting retarders in cement …
Use of inorganic setting retarders in cement industry ... Only minimal partial replacement of gypsum by natural anhydrite could prevent cement quality setbacks. Gypsum dehydration and formation of hemihydrate …

This article reports on the use of alternative calcium sulfate-bearing materials, notably anhydrite, as cement retarders in cement pastes of CEM-I and CEM-II types. The aim of …

Pore structure characteristics and permeability analysis of natural …
Natural anhydrite is a naturally occurring mineral formed by complex geological processes. It cannot be utilized in large quantities and is discarded due to its compact structure and low hydration activity. ... The natural anhydrite-based cementitious materials prepared using these methods are also called "green cement". Mechanical ...

Purification of South African phosphogypsum for use as Portland cement
The cement test proved that treated PG could partially replace natural gypsum as a retarder.Keywords: phosphogypsum treatment, phosphorus pentoxide removal, calcium sulfate transition phase ...

Alternative calcium sulfate-bearing materials as cement …
The experimental data conclude that natural anhydrite can be a very efficient retarder of the setting of cement, with no significant change in the …

Alternative calcium sulfate-bearing materials as …
This paper briefly describes the results of utilization of natural anhydrite in cement pastes of CEM-I and CEM-II types. The aim of the study has been to inquire the extent of natural gypsum replacement by natural anhydrite.

Investigations of anhydrite in CFBC fly ash as cement retarders
The anhydrite in CFBC ash is a suitable alternative to gypsum to act as an efficient retarder of the setting of cement based on the setting results but lead to lower …

Analysis of anhydrite gypsum effects on quality of cement
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 08 | Aug-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Analysis of anhydrite gypsum effects on quality of cement L.O.Onat1, Kh.R.Valiyev2, R.V. Agapov3, L.M. Kangarli4 1QA & QC Manager of NORM Cement Plant, Baku, Azerbaijan & QC Deputy …

Analysis of anhydrite gypsum effects on quality of cement
It also occurs in nature as water soluble natural anhydrite (CaSO 4 ) as a massive or fibrous mineral. This variety does not much occur in India but countries like Turkey, Egypt, Oman, Thailand, etc. have substantial occurrence of natural anhydrite. ... Alternative calcium sulfate-bearing materials as cement retarders Part I. Anhydrite ...
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