آخرین محصولات

Technological trend mining: : identifying new technology opportunities
A.R. Hakim, T. Djatna, A. Febransyah, Technology map: A text mining and network analysis approach, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 3 (1) (2016) 200–208. ... K. Kim, K. Park, S. Lee, Investigating technology opportunities: The use of SAOx analysis, Scientometrics 118 (1) (2019) 45–70. Digital …

Metals & Mining Insights | McKinsey & Company
Read our latest research, articles, and reports on Metals & Mining on the changes that matter most for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Top 10 business risks and opportunities for mining and …
Which are the top ESG issues that the metals and mining sector will face the most scrutiny on from investors? Respondents could choose more than one option. Source: EY Knowledge analysis of the business risks and opportunities survey 2023. 8 08 Top 10 business risks and opportunities for mining and metals in 2023 Prioritizing …

Social media mining for product planning: A product opportunity mining …
Therefore, an opportunity mining approach is proposed in this study to identify product opportunities based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis of social media data. For a multifunctional product, this approach can identify latent product topics discussed by product customers in social media using topic modeling, thereby …

(PDF) Text Mining Analysis of Patent in Innovation Studies: …
Text Mining Analysis of Patent in Innovation Studies: Trends, Issues and Future Research Agenda October 2023 American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation 2(3):77-88

Geographical big data and data mining: A new opportunity …
Some application examples of the framework, major challenges, and possible solutions are discussed. Geographical big data mining is a promising approach to enhance the analysis of the WEF nexus, strengthen the coordinated management of resources and sectors, and facilitate the progress toward sustainable development.

The Big Picture: 2023 Outlook for Metals and Mining
As 2023 approaches, we examine some of the key challenges, opportunities and trends facing the global metals and mining industry.

Exploring technological opportunities by linking technology …
This study suggests enhanced tech mining as a tool to identify promising market opportunities based on a technological opportunity gap. Compared with existing research on technology opportunity analysis, we derived a technological opportunity gap by investigating existing and potential technological opportunities.

Advanced Data Mining Techniques: Uncovering Hidden Opportunities …
Data mining was initially used for exploratory analysis and statistical modeling. Researchers and analysts would manually sift through data, looking for patterns and trends. ... Identifying new market opportunities. Advanced data mining techniques enable businesses to identify untapped market segments and uncover potential gaps in …

This could include system redesign, modification to meet permissibility requirements, in-mine testing to establish the efficacy of the technology, and/or demonstration of the technology at mine sites. Analysis of candidate technologies to establish their potential to improve safety and/or health, and/or analyses of barriers to …

Newmont Mining: A Gold Mine Of Opportunities Ahead
Gold Mining Bull is the leader of the investing group The Gold Bull Portfolio where he gives you exclusive access to his portfolio, buy/hold/sell ratings, in-depth research and actionable analysis ...

Web Mining: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions
Web mining has developed into a crucial tool for companies, researchers, and organizations to find hidden patterns and linkages that might guide decision-making as the amount of web data grows exponentially. An in-depth analysis of its capacity to identify patterns, find fresh insights, and enhance decision-making is provided in this study.

Data Mining for Business Analytics: Your Complete Manual
In today's fast-paced and data-driven business environment, data mining has become an essential tool for businesses looking to gain insights into their operations and make data-driven decisions. To stay ahead of the curve, companies need to leverage the power business analytics to gain insights into operations and discover patterns, trends, and …

South African Coal Mining Holdings: Business Model, SWOT Analysis…
South African Coal Mining Holdings (SACMH) is a prominent player in the coal mining industry, operating in South Africa. This blog article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of SACMH's business model, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis, and its key competitors.

Deep Analysis of Opportunities, Challenges, and …
Abstract: This comprehensive report delves into the opportunities, challenges, and solutions within Africa's mining industry. Africa stands as a reservoir of vast mineral resources, encompassing ...

Gold Mining in Africa: Challenges, Opportunities, …
Gold mining in Africa, with its storied past and vibrant present, stands as a beacon of economic potential and a wellspring of market dynamics. This land, etched with veins of gold running deep ...

What Is Data Mining? (Definition, Uses, …
Regression analysis is the most straightforward version of predictive power and is used to predict the value of a feature based on the values of other features in a data set. ... Businesses use data mining to …

Energy Use, Loss and Opportunities
Opportunities Analysis (petroleum, chemicals, iron and steel) Arvind Thedki (athekdi@e3minc) E3M, Incorporated 15216 Gravenstein Way ... Energy Use, Loss and Opportunities Analysis: U.S. Manufacturing and Mining 1 1.0 Overview of Energy Use, Loss and Opportunities ...

Review Academic social networks: Modeling, analysis, mining …
Academic social network mining is an important sub-task of academic social network analysis. It aims to mine academic social relations, which can be regarded as the association between entities. Recent trends have focused on mining interrelationships with the advent of both available data and developing technologies.

Risks and opportunities for mining and metals in 2024
A list of the top ten risks and opportunities for mining and metals companies in 2024 and, where they ranked in 2023. We see a number of key themes playing out: Expectations of investors and stakeholders have been underestimated and …

Risks and opportunities for mining
At first glance, the 2024 ranking of the top business risks and opportunities in mining and metals doesn't differ too much from the last couple of years. Responses to these risks …

Risks And Opportunities In Gold Mining Stocks
Risks of Investing in Gold Mining Stocks. Despite the opportunities, investing in gold mining stocks also comes with various company-specific and industry-wide hazards. Being aware of these risks is vital for making informed investment decisions: 1. Gold Price Volatility. The most apparent risk is gold price volatility.

Risks and opportunities for mining and metals in 2024 | EY
Top 10 business risks and opportunities for mining and metals in 2024 (PDF) Download 3 . ... EY analysis shows most are focusing on traditional or core activities such as exploration, mining and processing to ensure returns remain strong and can fund investments in sustainability, technology and new business models. ...

Global mining footprint mapped from high-resolution …
Global mine areas and mine sites. 74,548 mine area polygons are reported in the present study, with global coverage and example delineated areas illustrated in Fig. 1.A total estimated mine area ...

Market Basket Analysis
Market basket analysis is a data mining technique used to identify patterns and relationships between products that customers frequently purchase together. The purpose of market basket analysis is to understand customers' purchasing behavior and identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

Novelty-focused patent mapping for technology opportunity analysis
Recently, there have been growing interests in integrating data mining techniques (e.g. text mining and dimension reduction methods) into patent analysis for systematic TOA. Several methods and tools have been proposed for this purpose — patent vacuum maps [6], patent vacancy maps [7], GTM-based patent maps [8], and …

Risks and Opportunities for Mining
And our survey suggests mining companies are in a strong position to capitalize on a fresh raft of opportunities. This report offers deep insights into the views of mining leaders from around the world and the …

Advanced Analytics for Mining Industry | SpringerLink
This industry has been disrupted by mining automation, new analysis capabilities, a digital workforce, and remote and autonomous operations. All of these factors must be closely examined to boost growth and efficiency. DT and its associated opportunities and risks are crucial to mining businesses.

Top 10 business risks and opportunities for mining and …
nationalization. As we head into 2023, the mining and metals sector is responding with more fundamental shifts to business and operating models. This …

The Minerals Development Company Botswana (MDCB) was established to manage GoB interests in mining companies and to seek out new investment opportunities. In 2014, Botswana and Namibia signed an agreement to establish a jointly run company that will supervise the construction of the Trans-Kalahari Railroad.
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